
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I recently bought a business book to upgrade myself in the area of management and administration only to find a most pleasant surprise. There was a U2 story on it :)

To those who live in caves, U2 just happens to be the greatest band in the world. PERIOD. Their music and lyrics touch the deepest parts of my soul like no other musicians can. The author shares a story from many years ago, while he was still in college. U2 was still an unknown entity then and were scheduled to perform along with four other bands at the University of North Carolina football field. A strong rain was on that day, and most of the bands have decided to cancel their performance. Many of the students have already left and just as the remainder of the audience were all set to leave (including the author), the announcer came out and said,''The last band on the roster has decided to perform.''

With that, a very young Bono came onstage and shouted,''What in the world! It's only a little rain.Where we came from (Dublin, Ireland), it rains every day. I want to thank all of you who stayed. We hope we won't disappoint you.'' Soon, everyone was on their feet, clapping and shouting to the songs, having a great time and oblivious to the rain.

The author distinctly remembers his brother whispering next to him, ''I have a feeling these guys will become pretty big soon.''

To which he replied,''I think you're right.''

And of course they were right!

People who make it to the top have this one thing in common-PASSION. Passion is what keeps you going even on rainy days. Passion is being committed to the few who have chosen to stay because they too deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and to be served with excellence. Passion is giving your best, in public or in private, because you believe that what you do makes a difference. Passion is going it alone if it need be. Passion is staring at what Japan just recently went through-earthquake, tsunami, nuclear threat, and finding the courage and strength to get back up again!

Indeed, passion is what will make us great again.

I recent shared in a Sunday message,''Before the miracle in the mountain, you must first make a choice, a stand, a commitment in the valley. Mountains are for rewards, but valleys are where character and convictions are formed. Who you are in the valley determines the kind of rewards you will receive when you are on the mountain.''

If you are walking through the valley just like me right now, it's time to make a decision. It's time to make a stand. Would you hang on or would you let go? Would you love or be indifferent? Would you keep your promise or break your word? Would you stay in faith or doubt? Would you stay passionate or grow cold?

As for me, I have chosen to sing and dance in the rain.