My Contract with God

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Contract with God

Heavenly Father,

My whole life is not enough to express how much you mean to me nor will I ever do enough to repay what Jesus did on the Cross for me. I am a trophy of your grace, an example of your love, a testament of your power. I will forever live in gratitude.

September 2009 in Singapore will always remain fresh on my mind-staring death in the eye, coming face to face with my own mortality, asking the deep and difficult questions, wondering whether I have lived, loved, and lead well.

I still don’t have all of the answers. But as long as I live, for the rest of my life, I will...

a.       Be who you want me to be;  do what you want me to do;  and go wherever you want me to go

b.       Be a Christian first, a husband second, a father third, a pastor fourth, and a teacher fifth. The rest can fall by the wayside.

c.       Nurture and sharpen the three core passions and gifts you have entrusted to me-preaching, teaching, and leadership. Within the bounds of my PTL, I will be all things to all men, in order to save as many as I can by your grace and power. I am open to other gifts, burdens, and calling you might want me to have, but until then, I will say NO to other things and opportunities in order to say YES to my 3 main things.

While alive, I will work, dream and pray...

d.       For revival in my church and country; and the fulfillment of the Great Commission in my generation.

e.       For unity in the Body of Christ. Together is not only better, but it is the ONLY way to make disciples of all nations

Before I close my eyes for the last time, I beseech you to

f.         Please prepare godly husbands for  my three daughters who will not only care for them financially and physically, but also nurture them spiritually

g.        Allow Horizon to own our property, so that the next generation of leaders can concentrate on giving more to missions and church planting

h.       Make the next generation of leaders BETTER than ours, for that will be my generation’s legacy for them.

In the fulfilling of this contract, there will be many stumbling and failing, so I continually ask you to be merciful to me. I will strive to do this with honor and integrity.

Lord, I offer this contract solemnly to you. Receive it along with my praise and adoration.

Sincerely Yours,

Manric Tan Pascual
Bond Servant of Christ